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Dinosaur Workshop for Schools

Provided by Dinostar

An Introduction to Dinosaurs

For the workshops I bring genuine and replica dinosaur fossils to your school. The collection includes replica teeth and claws plus one of our big Triceratops bones and a real dinosaur egg. One of the highlights is a full-size replica Allosaurus skull (sharp, scary teeth!) During our “Introduction to Dinosaurs” workshop children are encouraged to study the artefacts and are free to touch and handle everything I bring. “Introduction to Dinosaurs” takes 30 minutes to an hour depending on the age of the children. We also offer a secondary workshops to create a whole Dinosaur Day in your school.


Workshop sessions take between 30 minutes and an hour depending on the age of the children. Each workshop comprises a brief talk about the artefacts, a handling session and Questions & Answers.

Age Groups

Y1 - Y9, Reception

Dinostar's Allosaurus Skull

One of the highlights of our workshops is our life-size replica Allosaurus skull.  Dare you put your head in the dinosaur's mouth!


Prices are based on the distance of your school from our base in Hull.  Sample prices are available on our web site or contact us for a fixed price quote.  Prices are based on a day of workshops, regardless of the number of children and workshops involved. 

We operate on a no workshops, no cost basis so if workshops are cancelled, for whatever reason, there is no charge.


About This Provider (Dinostar)
Children with the Dinostar Allosaurus skull
Head Office: Dinostar, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU1 1TH

Dinosaurs are a fascination and an inspiration for children. Dinostar provides an opportunity to bring the excitement of dinosaurs to your school. For our Dinosaur Workshops we bring a selection of our exhibits for illustrated talks and hands-on sessions. Pupils have the opportunity to handle real dinosaur bones as well as impressive replica teeth and claws. Highlights include a full-size Allosaur skull (big, scary teeth!), a genuine dinosaur egg and a large Triceratops leg bone.

Delivery Format
Workshop sessions take between 30 minutes and an hour depending on the age of the children. Each workshop comprises a brief talk about the artefacts, a handling session and Questions & Answers.

We provide almost everything for the workshops.  We just need a couple of tables for the artefacts.

Workshops can take place in a school hall or a classroom.

Available Regions

Anywhere in England
Anywhere in Scotland
Anywhere in Wales

Contact Dinostar to book this Workshop.
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