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BOOM! Motivational Speaking for Teens School Workshops

Provided by Cat Weatherill

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Hi! I'm Cat, and I specialise in boosting confidence and creativity. I love my life as a creative freelancer. My art has enriched my life beyond measure, taking me from the backstreets of Liverpool to stages worldwide. If I can make that journey, others can too. I'm here to help! Let's make a visit happen :-) catweatherill.co.uk


Secondary: 1 sessions x 1 hr
(250 participants per session)

A visit is 1 or 2 presentations. A presentation is 50 mins & 10 mins of Q & A

Age Groups

Y7 - Y10

What is the BOOM! Experience?

When it comes to creativity, many students are like rockets, sitting on the launch pad, pointing at the stars... never launching. There can be endless reasons why - all of them rooted in fear.


I created The Boom! Experience to get these cautious creatives up into the stars. I see myself as rocket fuel. I fill students up, give them the desire to fly, explain how they begin and then BOOM! They launch. It really is as simple as that. Sometimes we need help to fly - I want to be that help.


I bring to the stage all my skills as a performer, my thirty years experience as a creative freelancer and my passion for living. I also bring a lot of love. It's a powerful mix! I talk about failing, how to overcome rejections, how to reframe, how to build the life of your dreams, the need to take creative risks, how to be proud of your work. 


The presentation is a fast-moving 50 minute session, playfully delivered with slides, honesty and humour. 

Motivational? Inspirational? Both!

My Boom talk aims to give students the desire to explore their own creativity and to show practical ways they can begin to be creative.


In the talk, I do two things:


1 Present a convincing case for why every student should unleash their creativity. The benefits. What it can do for them.


2 Show them how they can be creative, from wrtiting a journal to having an evening project. I am passionate about literacy, so reading & writing are pushed. I'm also very keen on free time being used productively to start building the life of your dreams now. 



Presentation Style

I'm a professional performance storyteller as well as a motivational speaker, so my talks are engaging, interactive and high energy. I use slides but it isn't simply a PowerPoint presentation. It is much more!


It isn't a self-promotional author visit. I include examples from my writing career where relevant, but I don't talk about my books, read extracts or explain the life of an author. There is no book selling afterwards (unless you really want it!) The Boom Experience isn't about me - it's about them. Your students. Their future creative lives.


If you are looking for an author talk, check out my listing Cat Weatherill Author Visits. I can talk about life as a professional author, how the publishing process works, how a book cover is designed, how to become an author - many things. I am a best-selling author, with books on everything from magic to motorcyling!

Great for Teachers Too

Self-doubt, anxiety, a lack of self-confidence, creative lethargy... These things can attack us at any age, so the Boom Experience is beneficial for teachers too: quietly reassuring, useful and upbeat.


Many teachers are hugely creative. I often spend my lunch hour in a staff room giving advice on how to get a book published! For these staff members, listening to a professional artist can be especially interesting and useful.

Book A True Pro

I am massively experienced and hugely reliable. As a professional Artist in Education for thirty years, I've worked with thousands of students worldwide, in hundreds of schools. My sessions are perfectly pitched and age appropriate. I have full DBS and public liability insurance and always arrive with a smile!



Student Feedback


'OMG - I want to be YOU' Maddie (age 14) Icknield High School

Day Itinerary*

A Typical Visit?

* The activities may vary on the day depending on the length of the sessions and the age and ability of the participants.



£350 for 1 motivational talk. £450 for 2 (on the same day) Travel contribution by zone 


WOW! AMAZING! We've had a fantastic day with Cat. She gave me exactly what I'd asked for and more, and we've really enjoyed our school visit with her. If any other school is dithering over who to book - BOOK CAT!

Simon Lawley, Church Lawton School


About This Provider (Cat Weatherill)
Cat Weatherill Author & Storyteller
Head Office: Cat Weatherill, Home, B49

- Best-selling Puffin author, professional storyteller and poet - Cat specialises in bringing the magic of stories into schools. Her mission is to inspire and support the next generation of writers. Every child can write. Every child has a story to tell. Every child can be creative. She boosts confidence, gives creative writing advice and shows the sheer joy of life as a professional artist. Her visits create a real buzz on the day and have lasting effect - guaranteed.

Delivery Format
A visit is 1 or 2 presentations. A presentation is 50 mins & 10 mins of Q & A


I am fueled almost entirely by tea & biscuits, so a kettle will definitely be required!


For the presentation, I will need a screen and help on the day to get my PowerPoint working. I will also need a microphone for large assemblies. I can bring my own PA and mic if required (UK only)


I work nationally and internationally and will happily travel to wherever you are, but I might need accommodation if you are distant. It doesn't have to be fancy :-)

Full Member of British Actors' Equity
Available Regions

This service is available internationally
Anywhere in England
Anywhere in Northern Ireland
Anywhere in Scotland
Anywhere in Wales

Contact Cat Weatherill to book this Workshop.
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