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Greek workshop for Schools

Provided by Time Trips

Greek Art and Architecture

In this exciting, hands-on Greek workshop we look at two legacies of the Ancient Greeks. First is architecture, with a look at the styles of Greek temples and how that has influenced modern buildings. This includes a game about the three types of column. The class then makes a realistic model of the Parthenon, with groups making different parts, including a copy of the colossal gold statue of Athena inside the temple. In the afternoon we look at Greek art, with an introductory lesson on how it changed over time, and how the Greeks invented realistic art. Then children each make their own Greek art: either a copy of a pottery painting on real clay tiles or saucers, or a copy of a Minoan wall painting on a piece of wood. The result of both sessions is an amazing display that will impress all viewers.


Mixture of hands-on group or individual art/craft activities, games, and whole class teaching

Age Groups

Y3 - Y6

Greek architecture

The design of Greek temples and how it has been copied in modern buildings all over the world


Day Itinerary*

Learn about Greek architecture

* The activities may vary on the day depending on the length of the sessions and the age and ability of the participants.

Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Links


£299 per day, all inclusive



The children all managed to create artwork they were genuinely proud of and wanted to show the whole school. Even those who shy away from drawing and painting persevered, as it was accessible for all. They loved the activities. And all the staff were very impressed with the work, including the Head and Deputy.

Mark Lengden, Thorp Primary, Oldham

Thank you very much for the Ancient Greek Workshop that you taught last Thursday. The class had a fantastic time and talked about nothing else on Friday. They learnt a lot during the day and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Emma Furness, Norris Bank Primary, Stockport

All the children thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and increased their knowledge of Ancient Greece and improved their art skills.

Y4 teachers, Bleak Hill Primary, St Helens


About This Provider (Time Trips)
Time Trips Workshops
Head Office: Time Trips, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M14 6EF

Time Trips has been delivering hands-on, creative, educational workshops to primary schools since 2004. High quality resources and well-designed activities mean your children will have fun and learn at the same time. The teacher has many year's experience working with children, and teaching history and science topics with a creative angle. Lots of photos, details, and reviews can be seen at timetrips.co.uk

Delivery Format
Mixture of hands-on group or individual art/craft activities, games, and whole class teaching

Basic classroom resources such as paint palettes, water pots, glue sticks, scissors, pencils, rulers - all detailed in the booking email


MEd, Manchester University; MSc Developmental Psychology, Penn State University
Available Regions

Locations in England
Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire

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