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Top 10 Life Lessons for Students

Practical life advice for teenagers and university students.

First Published: 13 Aug 2020

I have struggled through mental health issues since childhood and faced a great deal of adversity after relocating during my teenage. I grew up without a support network and failed miserably, but I eventually turned around my life to become a dancer and an engineer. I learned the hard way that life is unpredictable and it can catch you off guard. However, I could have handled certain situations better had I known what I know today back in my teenage. Here are my top life lessons for those that are struggling through their teenage years and education.

Have a Vision or a Goal

Having a goal and a vision can help drive through your problems. Your goal can be as small as going shopping. You can set your goals daily or over a longer period. It will give you something to wake up and look forward to. We all need a sense of purpose in life.

Girl enjoying life

Value What You have

If you are lucky enough to live in a first-world country, use the opportunities around you. You have access to an education some children in this world will only dream of. I came from a third world country where we had no access to even a public library. When I went to school in the UK, I felt a lot of the kids around me didn't appreciate what they had, or how lucky they were.

Earn the Basic Qualifications

At the very least pass your basic GCSEs. Having a good education behind you will only help in the future, whatever career path you wish to pursue after mandatory education.

Discover Hobbies

Hobbies are a wonderful thing to have in your life. I recovered my studies after discovering street-dancing at university. As a student, you have more time than you realise to explore life. Try out some local sports clubs and discover like-minded students. Once you enter work-life it may become difficult to find something that you will feel passionately about. Universities offer a lot of social clubs too. Take advantage of these. A lot of people discover their passion while they are still in education.

Work for What You Deserve, Don't Wait

As you go through your journey, you will learn that life will not always give you what you deserve. There have been many times during my life that I felt I deserved to win certain awards and competitions, but I never did. You may feel hard done, but it happens to everyone. The main thing is that you keep working towards what you feel you deserve.

Focus on What You Can Control

A lot of things will happen in life that you can't control. So, you must focus your energy on what you can change. Some of the things you can control are your habits, your fitness, who you associate with yourself and your studies. It's easier said than done, but if there are problems or people in life that's causing you unnecessary stress, cut them out. Don't hang on to burdens. I look back to my teenage and sometimes I feel I wasted time on things that simply wasn't worth it.

Ask for Help

We all need help in life. Don't be afraid to turn to your friends or professionals for help. Talking to someone openly will help to take the weight of your shoulders.

Use Distractions to Avoid Worrying

There are times in life that it will be difficult for you to get away from things that are causing you problems or stress. During these times distract your mind by reading a book, listening to music, playing a game (I played a lot of FIFA to distract from the troubles around me), socialising with your friends, taking a walk, learning a skill or watching a movie.

You have a Lot to Look Forward to

Remember that you are still very young and you have so much to look forward to. Life is constantly changing. As you grow up people around you will change, your social circumstances will change and you will change. Just see out the difficult times and think about all the good moments when you feel down.

Don't Give Up, Keep Going and Keep Going

As difficult as it may sound this is probably the best life advice I can give you. Life will not stop for you, so you must wake up every morning and work towards those goals. As long as you don't give up, you have a chance to achieve something in life. I look back to my student years and I'm grateful that I carried on because I achieved so much that I thought I never would.

The views and recommendations represented in this blog are based on the personal opinions of the author. We will not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this blog.


Vidura Fonseka

Engineer and Dancer

A qualified engineer with experience at Rolls-Royce. Professionally trained dancer in Popping, Bboying (Break-Dancing and Zouk).